-Passing on Divine awareness- Unseen Twisted Truths

2 years ago

Traffickers use a variety of coercive methods to control their victims including:

Luring their victims with false promises of economic opportunity
Withholding identification, work authorization, or travel documents
Demanding repayment for a real or alleged debt
Using or threatening to use violence
Monitoring and surveillance activities
Paying very little or not paying at all for work
Trafficked victims may:

Be forced to live in subpar conditions (living in the same place as they work; living in a space that does not have heat, running water, or electricity; living with many people sharing the same, small space)
Not be allowed to talk to anyone alone or without supervision
Be coached on how to respond to inquiries from others including police and other authority figures
Regardless of immigration status, all people that work in the United States have the right to:

Be paid at least a minimum wage
A safe and healthy workplace
Not be held in a job against their will
Keep their passport and other identification documents in their possession
Report abuse without retaliation
Leave an abusive employment situation
Get help from unions, immigrant and labor rights groups, and other organizations

Statistics and Facts
National Human Trafficking Statistics

24.9 million people are victims of forced labor. (ILO, 2017)
16 million people are trafficked for forced labor in the private economy. (Private economy includes: private individuals, groups, or companies in all sectors except the commercial sex industry). (ILO, 2017)
4.8 million people are trafficked for forced sexual exploitation. (ILO, 2017)
4.1 million people are trafficked for forced labor in state-imposed forced labor.It is estimated that 20.9 million people are trafficked worldwide. (ILO, 2017)
Women and girls are disproportionately affected by human trafficking, accounting for 71% of all victims. (ILO, 2017)

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