A Patented Genocide Delivered by a Chimeric Nano Lipid Capsid of Graphene & GMO Parasites

2 years ago

A Corporate Patented Genocidal Chimeric mRNA PEG Coated Nano Lipid Graphene Ferric Oxide Parricidal Capsid Directed and Delivered Through Several Vectors to Specific Organs and Glands via Water, Food, Air, EMF, Inoculation, Drugs, Masks, Condoms, Baby food Mosquitoes, Ticks, Parasites, just to name a few.
Humanity will not be free until they wake up to the fact that they are being poisoned and irradiated and there are NO specific virus or germ causing excess injuries and sudden deaths!
When you do, you will free yourself from the risk of ALL sickness and disease!
Learn more at: www.drrobertyoung.com/blog
Support the research at: www.givesendgo.com/research

Contact Dr. Ariyana Love on telegram @DrAriyanaLove

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