If We Did Voter Fraud Trials 8 Arrested Each 10 Would Be Republicans

2 years ago

UPDATE: According to some the DHS has no power to interfere with the Elections run solely by the States, so it’s the State’s Governors and Secretary of States’s fault or merit if the elections are run with or without fraud. DHS is innocent. But in 2020 at the DHS they did announce at least as The Washington Post reports a centralised war room to block eventual hacking of the voting machines, Krebs was boasting about blocking eventual Russian Hackers https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/30/dhs-is-planning-largest-ever-operation-secure-us-election-against-hacking/ . Personally I don’t like Krebs, but I do copy & paste for honesty the correction about watermarking from Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-watermarks-idUSKBN27N0GN

Appointed by Trump moreover, not by Bush, this why they all deny voter fraud happened at a centralized level, it’s they who were at the central-level jobs. The Democrats could have rigged the election only in deep blue districts, they didn’t have the people at a central level. We have to add Zuckerberg but he was allowed by the State authorities to interfere with the election system.

Website https://freewordandfriendsworld.altervista.org/

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