Compilation of Officer Cam Footage with a Woman claiming to Be David Fabor’s friend

2 years ago

Knives Because We Care about Our Community, the Intimidating Man, this is My Fu@#ing Town and you Police are not doing a good job protecting me and my entitlement, oh and I am friends with the Mayor.

Compilation of Officer Cam Footage at the Stand for Decency Rally with a Woman claiming to Be David Fabor’s friend. She chews out the Port Townsend Police for not Being Diligent, yet they sure were being Diligent when they made her put her knives away.

She is filming Us, and she is mad when someone is filming her. Oh the Irony, we were there Protesting hundreds mobbing us, in our face, touching us, pushing into our body right up in our face. And she has an issue with ONE person to close and so much so she gets in the face of the police, WOW indeed.

Oh and this is my Fing town and the Police let in a Hate Group.

We were NOT a Hate Group, we were Standing UP TO THE HATE GROUPS in Port Townsend, the Hateful City Council, the Hateful Liberals that mobbed us, Olympic Pride Terrorists who attacked us with bikes Pride Flags and Poles, to Protest what the city incited and praised Antifa to do to us And this David Faber friend calls us the Hate Group.

I Think to anyone not hypnotized within the hive mind, can easily see who is inciting hate and violence, it is OBVIOUS.

Anyway here is a video I made tonight of this Woman at the Rally for Decency Port Townsend Washington September 3rd 2022

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