Swedish top diplomat confirms Nord Stream gas leak caused by sabotage

2 years ago

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde confirmed the latest gas leak from the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines was caused by blasts.

"Gas leaking from Nord Stream 1 and 2 in Sweden and Denmark’s exclusive economic zones are consequences of detonations, probably caused by sabotage," she wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

"We continue to collect information and do not rule out any cause, actor or motive," she added.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen vowed a strong response to disruption of European energy infrastructure after Nord Stream incidents.

"Spoke to Statsmin Frederiksen on the sabotage action Nordstream.

Paramount to now investigate the incidents, get full clarity on events & why," von der Leyen said on Twitter.

"Any deliberate disruption of active European energy infrastructure is unacceptable & will lead to the strongest possible response," she said.
VIDEO: Die schwedische Ministerpräsidentin Magdalena Andersson hatte am Dienstagabend gesagt, die Informationslage sei noch alles andere als vollständig, aber zwei #Explosionen seien identifiziert worden, die drei Lecks verursacht hätten.

Basierend auf schwedischen und dänischen Informationen komme man zu dem Schluss, dass es sich vermutlich um eine absichtliche Tat handle. «Es ist also wahrscheinlich eine Frage der Sabotage», sagte sie.
#nordstream1 #nordstream2 #nordstream #sabotage #pipeline #naturalgasnews #naturalgas #oilleak #oilleakrepair #gazprom #offshorepipelines #recoveryplan #damage #gasleak
Gas leak from Nord Stream 1 and 2, footage from the Danish Defence, powerful blasts in the areas:
Damage at Nord Stream lines unprecedented, time of recovery impossible to estimate, mystery leaks:

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