Courage. Knowledge. Power. NOTMECA

2 years ago

Mike returns from his road trip with his dad to chat it up with Desi Bergman on the NOTMESD program. Sasha Peek Travasos returns to talk about being an ambassador for the NOTMESD program. Michael Seifert talks about his social media platform, Mike talks about the SDCGO voter guide, and Mike Bauer from USCCA stops by to chat about the evolution of gun culture.

1:29 - Guest Intros
22:30 - NOTMESD: The easiest way for women to learn about firearms
35:00 - Michael Seifert from Public Sq.
46:40 - San Diego County Gun Owners Voter Guide
55:55 - Special Guest Interview with Mike Bauer from USCCA
1:20:24 - What made the CZ 25 SMG unique?

NOTMECA is changing the narrative around women and guns. Program director, Desi Bergman joins to share the strides the NOTMECA program has made. Sasha Peek Travasos also joins the conversation to talk about her reason for being an ambassador. Listen to Sasha’s story and find out how rewarding it is to empower women with the knowledge and training to be able to protect themselves with a gun.

The NOTME program is available in San Diego, Orange County, and Inland Empire. Learn more at

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Want to help defend and restore the Second Amendment? Use the San Diego County Gun Owners Voter Guide! Vote and help elect more PRO2A officials. Get the voter guide at

Voter guides for Inland Empire and Orange County are also available.

Mike Bauer, USCCA’s regional director joins the show to talk about the evolution of gun owners and gun culture. Being a responsible gun owner is more than just purchasing a gun. Get the training, education, and the protection that comes with a USCCA membership. Listen to the segment to find out if Mike is a Neuske or Johnsonville man.

STUMP MY NEPHEW: Dale from Los Angeles asks, “what made the CZ 25 SMG unique?”

Think you can stump Sam? Send in a question!


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