Academic Fail about Atlantis 100%

2 years ago

All of archeology and academics say that Atlantis is merely a story the Greek philosopher Plato created to illustrate a point. However, there is one person who disagrees, and that person is Plato himself who records over and over again that this is factual information.

So, academia is forced to reconcile with Plato's words. Having no real answer why Plato was so emphatic about making sure we understand it was and is, a truthful account.

After all he attests on the reputation of Solon, who was mentioned as the wisest of the ancient Greeks and the father of our very democracy that indeed the account is real.

The funny thing is, if just once Plato would have said it wasn't a true story, then I imagine academics would think folly at those who seek this lost island. But the opposite is the case and Plato reiterates over and over that it is real, and academics still claim folly. So, in this case it leaves us with no choice but to proceed without the mainstream's opinions of our distant past.

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