Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness – Jim Keith – Chapter 6 – Subverting Sex

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Chapter 6

Subverting Sex

Here stands the New Man. His conception of reality is a dance of electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of his masters, designed so that he will not--under any circumstances--perceive the actual. This New Man's happiness is delivered to him through a tube or an electronic connection. His God lurks behind an electronic curtain; when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA sorcerer, the media manipulator. Jeff Keith is one of the foremost writers and researchers on political conspiracy in the world today.


1. Reisman, Phd., Judith A. Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences. Arlington, Virginia:
The Institute for Media Education, Inc., 1998; Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry:
From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR, October 7, 1994; Jones, James. Kinsey: A
Public/Private Life. New York: W.W. Norton, 1997; Abrams, Kevin E., “Kinsey,
Rockefeller and the Nazi Doctors,” Alberta Report, June 29, 1998]
2. Reisman
3. Landis, Bill. Anger. New York: Harper Collins, 1995, cited in Reisman
4. Reisman
5. Wormser, Rene. Foundations. New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1958, cited
in Reisman
6. Reisman
7. Maslow, Abraham, “Test for Dominance-Feeling (Self-Esteem) in College
Women,” 1940, cited in Reisman
8. Gebhard, Gagnon, Pomeroy, Christenson. Sex Offenders. New York: Bantam
Books, 1965, cited in Reisman
9. Pomeroy, Wardell. Dr. Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research. New York:
Harper & Row, New York, 1972, cited in Reisman; Reisman
10. Reisman
11. Letter of Paul Gebhard, Kinsey Institute Director, to Judith Reisman, dated
March 11, 1981
12. Masters, Johnson and Kolodny, Ed. Ethical Issues in Sex Therapy and Research,
Reproductive Biology Research Foundation, Conference. Boston: Little, Brown and
Company, 1977
13. Reisman; Lively and Abrams. The Pink Swastika. Keiser, Oregon: Founders
Publishing Corporation, 1997
14. Reisman
15. Leonard, George, “The End of Sex,” Esquire, December, 1982, cited in Reisman
16. Buck, Pearl, cited in de Jonge, Alex. The Weimar Chronicle: Prelude to Hitler.
New York: New American Library, 1978

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