Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness – Jim Keith – Chapter 10 – Implants and Dr. Delgado

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Chapter 10

Electronic Implants and Dr. Delgado

Here stands the New Man. His conception of reality is a dance of electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of his masters, designed so that he will not--under any circumstances--perceive the actual. This New Man's happiness is delivered to him through a tube or an electronic connection. His God lurks behind an electronic curtain; when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA sorcerer, the media manipulator. Jeff Keith is one of the foremost writers and researchers on political conspiracy in the world today.


1. Morgan, James P., “The First Reported Case of Electrical Stimulation of the
Human Brain,” Journal of the History of Medicine at;
Zimmerman, M., “Electrical Stimulation of the Human Brain,” Human Neurobiology,
2. Project Open Mind
3. “Stereotaxic Implantation of Electrodes in the Human Brain: A Method for LongTerm Study and Treatment,” Heath, John, Fontana, Department of Psychiatry and
Neurology, Tulane University School of Medicine
4. Heath, Robert G. Undated interview in Omni; Cannon, Martin, “Mind Control and
the American Government,” Prevailing Winds, 1994; Human Rights Law Journal,
“Freedom of the Mind as an International Human Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4; Ross,
M.D., Dr. Colin, “The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian
Candidate,” lecture given at Ninth Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and
Dissociation, April 18, 1996
5. Heath
6. Cannon, Martin, “Mind Control and the American Government,” Prevailing
Winds, 1994; Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the Mind as an International
Human Rights Issue”; Ross, M.D.
7. Ross
8. Heath
9. Cited in Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. Portland, Oregon:
Feral House, 1995
10. Delgado, Dr. Jose, “Man’s Intervention in Intracerebral Functions, New Haven,
Connecticut: Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, School of Medicine, 1967
11. Packard, Vance. The People Shapers. New York: Ballentine Books, 1979
12. Packard
13. Delgado; Packard
14. Ross
15. Delgado, Lipponen, Weiss, del Pozo, Monteagudo, and McMahon, “Two-Way
Transdermal Communication with the Brain,” a co-operative publication of the Medical
University of Madrid, Spain, and Yale University Medical School, 1975
16. Packard
17. Correspondence with the Spanish NosMan research group, April 1999
18. McAuliffe, Kathleen, “The Mind Fields,” Omni. 1985
19. Correspondence with the Spanish NosMan group
20. McAuliffe
21. Delgado, Dr. Jose, quoted in Human Rights Law Journal, “Freedom of the Mind
as an International Human Rights Issue,” Vol. 3, No. 1-4
22. Delgado, Jose, “Radio Stimulation of the Brain in Primates and Man,” New
Haven, Connecticut: Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine,
23. Mackay, Dr. Smart, cited in Krawcyzyk, Glenn, “Mind Control Techniques and
Tactics of the New World Order,” Nexus, December-January 1993
24. Ingraham and Smith, “The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of
Human Behavior and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control,” Crime and
Justice, 1972
25. Cockbum, Alexander and St. Clair, Jeffrey, “CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher,
Assassin & Pimp,” press release from CounterPunch
26. “Recent FDA Decision Highlights Ethical Issues in Drug Research On Children,”
Peter R. Breggin, M.D.

#mindcontrol #mkultra #occultism

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