Lead others to glorify God (The City on the Hill, Matthew 5:14-16)

2 years ago

Lead others to glorify God (The City on the Hill, Matthew 5:14-16)
Can you think of someone in your life who inspires you to be a better person, maybe to be healthier, or even kick a bad habit? Maybe it is someone in your family, a member of your community, a celebrity, or just someone you have seen on your favorite social media platform. Their energy seems to be contagious, their personality draws them to you, and their story is so compelling that it motivates and moves others to better themselves. Hopefully, everyone has someone in their life that has impacted them on this level, but did you know that this is the exact type of individual that every follower of Jesus Christ should be. Matthew 5:16 says that as believers we should live our lives in a manner that when those around us see how much we love our God that it leads them to glorify God. Our good works cause us to receive no praise or accolades but instead causes others to realize there is a higher power and purpose in and on this earth. Our lives should constantly be pointing others toward a relationship with Jesus Christ and an expansion of His Kingdom on this earth.
This is our purpose as believers in and disciples of Jesus Christ, to lead others into a relationship with the creator of the heavens and the earth. We are not just part of a congregation, church, or religion, we are eternal citizens of the kingdom of heaven acting as ambassadors on this earth. No one likes to be under the microscope by those around them but as Christians we must embrace the fact that this is the life God has called us to live. Our interactions with the world around us are not just cordial or casual encounters they are opportunities for us to lead others into a relationship with Jesus Christ. We should be the ones who have the contagious personality, we should be the charismatic one’s people are drawn to, and our story should be so inspirational and compelling that it moves others around us to glorify God. Are you living this type of lifestyle? I try but I know I can do better, and I am going to better because I know that it is what God desires for all His children.

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