European Union Collective – Christopher Story – Part 1.4 – Europe From the Atlantic to Vladivostok

2 years ago




Christopher Story "died under mysterious circumstances" after writing this book. He was an adviser on intelligence matters to Prime Minister Thatcher and published Soviet Analyst for many years. In the opinion of many he was better informed than British and US intelligence organisations put together. This book is a daring analysis of the plans of two major players in the battle for Europe's destiny. One is Germany and the dream of a Pan-Germany. The other is Russia, which had plans since the Soviet era.

In our days, the EU is seen as an enemy of the nations it comprises, thus Christopher Story thinks. He is able to see a "German and Russian strategy to complete Lenin's World Revolution.

Notes and references:

30. See 'Comecon Reports', now 'Eastern Europe Analyst', Volume 6, Number 3, Summer 1990, page 1; World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EF, UK.

31. The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency', Anatoliy Golitsyn, Edward Harle Limited, London and New York, 1995 and 1998; op. cit., Memorandum to the CIA dated March 1989; page 19.

32. The Author is indebted for this correct insight to Mr Justin Yu, of New York City, one of the shrewdest observers of Soviet-Chinese deception strategy.

33. See 'Soviet Analyst', published by World Reports Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London SW1P 2EF, UK, Volume 21, Number 3, January 1992, 'Collapsible Communism', Michael Bakowski, pages 6-7.

34. The Perestroika Deception: Memoranda to the Central Intelligence Agency', Anatoliy Golitsyn, Edward Harle
Limited, London and New York, 1995 and 1998; op. cit., Memorandum to the CIA dated March 1990; page 104.

35. See 'Brain-Washing, A Synthesis of the Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics', distributed in the 1950s by Kenneth Goff, who had attended the Eugene Debbs School of Labour, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a Comintern affiliate. Kenneth Goff was a former American Communist whose report on Soviet mind-control techniques was authenticated by a senior US intelligence officer. Separately, Dr Boris Sokoloff MD, a US doctor of Russian extraction who had played an important role in events leading to the Bolshevik Revolution, revealed in a book entitled The White Nights' [published by The Devin-Adair Company, 1956, New York], that Lenin had held intimate conversations with Dr lvan Pavlov which had laid the groundwork for Soviet operations to standardise human thought and behaviour - the essence and origin of the contemporary scourge of 'political correctness', and the inspiration for the Leninists' long-term campaign to develop the 'common mind'. On page 292, Sokoloff reported:
'Communism is a movement directed against individualization and toward the standardizing of all
Man's activities. It is the farthest-reaching attempt ever made in this direction. Steadily and persistently, the Soviet regime is driving toward its ultimate goal: control of human behaviour. It states officially that man can transcend his heredity and transform his environment and so achieve full uniformity of behavior. In this gigantic social and biological experiment, carried out largely through the [mis-]education of children and youth, the Soviets are using the conditioned-reflex mechanism on a large scale.

36. 'Collected Works', Vladimir I Lenin, Volume 5, Page 475, International Publishers, New York. Lenin continued: 'Secrecy is such a necessary condition for this kind of organisation that all other conditions (number and selection of members, functions, etc.) must be made to conform to it. It would be extremely naive indeed, therefore, to fear the charge that we Social-Democrats desire to create a conspiratorial organisation'. In the next paragraph, Lenin wrote of 'a powerful and strictly secret organisation, which concentrates in its hands all the threads of secret activities, an
organisation which of necessity is centralised'. Given this level of discipline and secrecy, it is perhaps not surprising that pragmatic Western observers are ignorant of, confused about, and unable to grasp the rudimentary outlines of, Lenininist strategy and behaviour.

37. 'A History of Russia', Joel Carmichael, Hippocrene, New York, 1990. Joel Carmichael, the veteran former Editor of 'Midstream', published in New York, is probably the greatest and most prolific historian of Russian and Soviet affairs writing in the United States, of the 20th century.

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