Mind control and the manufacturing of consent – Expresszeitung 40

2 years ago

EZ Issue 3: Great Reset - Brave New World Order

Translation of German issue No. 40

Link: https://www.expresszeitung.com/en/ez-issue-3-great-reset-brave-new-world-order/ez10052

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“The Great Reset” is the name of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held in June 2020. Founded by Klaus Schwab and head-quartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the WEF seeks to reshape the global economy and society at large in response to the “Covid-19 pandemic”, a watershed event in history that will see the emergence of a new political and socio-economic system. This issue looks at how top movers and shakers work hand in glove with the WEF in a worldwide effort to architect a frightening dystopia that will engulf the future of all nations. So far, this much has been revealed: People will have no material possessions of any kind, they will be stripped of their fundamental rights and find themselves helplessly at the mercy of a small ruling caste. And although the WEF's mission statement has been conveniently repackaged by its clique of nimble-fingered technocrats to cater to contemporary trends, its deep Marxist roots are too obvious to go unnoticed. One of their top priorities is to wipe out the middle class (bourgeoisie), a process that has been dramatically sped-up in the course of the “Corona crisis”. In the grand scheme of the Great Reset, the market economy (or what is left of it) is to give way to new socialist models such as “public-private partnerships” (PPPs) and “stakeholder capitalism”.

Sources: 1. youtube.com, Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1. Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion 04.11.2019, 23:57

2. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret in their book "COVID-19: The Great Reet WEF 2020, p. 90

3. Ibid, pp. 44-45

4. Ibid. p. 192

5. Ibid. p. 87

6.gatestoneinstitute.org, Black Lives Matter: "We Are Trained Marxists - Part 1, 02.07.2020

7. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret in their book "COVID-19 The Great Reset", WEF 2020, pp. 102-103

8. Ibid. pp. 189-190

9. weforum.org, Most adults agree with vaccine passports for travel, according to a survey, 30.04.2021

10. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Maleret in their book "COVID-19: The Great Reset", WEF, 2020, p. 150

11. Ibid. p. 250

12. Ibid. p. 137-138 13. Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928

13. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malorat in their book "COVID-19: The Grat Reset", WEF, 2020, pp. 246-249

14. Ibid, p. 19

#wef #marxism #technocracy

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