👩‍🌾 Izzy Cook - Climate Change 🙈 Expert 🤣

2 years ago

Did you have a good time in fiji ?? Paaaaauuuussse...
Yeah I went sailboarding and scuba diving and oh you should have seen the Buffet... 🤣🤣🤣
Global Warming was a hoax - the Sea Levels arent rising we are in a dimming phase if you care to look at the real science.
"Climate Change" yet another empty slogan - a made up term that now anything can be classed as a Climate Emergency ??? And we can be taxed and soon punished when we become a "cashless society"
Meaning if you dont have physical gold / silver . or bitcoins on an offline wallet.. you WILL be put on to the Government DIGITAL Currency.

What do you think people like KOCHIE keep telling bitcoin bad.;.. cash good. duuhhhh..

So little nobodies like this can take a day off school when they know NOTHING about science - still hop on a plane with their parents to Fiji and can go on a national radio show and just been seen for the Hypocrites the MAJORITY of these fake climate change activists really are......

I don't hear Greta Thunberg talking about the World Wide daily spraying of our skies to mess with the weather..
surely weather warfare - Geo-Engineering .. Solar Radiation Management.. HAARP and CERN technology that can cause hell on earth within days.... is more of a threat than something that is not happening 300 years from now.
FULL Weather Warfare playlist ---->>> https://rumble.com/c/HAARPhunters

If they keep poisoning our skies ... nothing will be left in 300 years..

Maybe IZZY COOK should know that NOT EVEN - GRETA THUNBERG believes it anymore and has started to rebel against her own puppet masters and the BS she was told to speak ......
SOMEONE SEND THIS VIDEO TO IZZY FOR ME !! lol ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v16crof-greta-thunberg-a-puppet-no-more.html?mref=smeby&mc=86v8g <<<<----- Greta singing a very important song..

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ROBBO DA YOBBO - Aussie Conspiracy Comedian

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