On the Lyman situation Sept 27, 2022

2 years ago

TG / Mighty_Russia OP
After the blunder in the North and the lack of reaction by Russian military command, Russian forces managed to largely stabilize the front. However, the threat is still big as Ukrainian forces are losing thousands of troops and dozens of equipment trying to push hard.

The main target is Lyman city. Russian forces still managing to hold the city. If Lyman city falls (or given up) the entire northern front can be considered lost and Russian forces attacking on the Western front will be threatened and hindered.

As we have been saying for months: Russian military lacks the manpower needed for such sustained fighting while Ukrainian government drafted pensioners and children. The new draft law will boost the numbers and allow the experienced and war-hardened units to advance but this will take a while and the situation in Lyman is critical.

On the Kherson front, Ukrainian forces are still suffering massive losses with little to no gains. The front to be watched is the northern front.

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