NCLA Supports Effort to Prevent FTC from Exercising Exec Power; Yeshiva U’s Religious Freedom Suit

2 years ago

NCLA Brief Supports Effort to Prevent Independent FTC from Exercising Executive Power

NCLA has filed an amicus brief in the case FTC v. Walmart before the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, arguing that FTC lacks constitutional authority to bring a lawsuit for monetary damages and injunctive relief against Walmart Inc. Mark and John discuss Humphrey’s Executor and FTC v. Walmart.

Yeshiva University’s Religious Freedom Lawsuit

NCLA filed an amicus brief in support of Yeshiva University’s Supreme Court application seeking an emergency stay pending appeal of a court order to “immediately” approve an official “Pride Alliance” student club. NCLA argued that the constitutional harms stemming from the injunction were substantial and could continue possibly for years while the case reaches absolute finality. The denial of one’s First Amendment rights, even for short periods, constitutes irreparable harm and necessitates correction by the courts.

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