European Union Collective – Christopher Story – Part 1.8 – Europe From the Atlantic to Vladivostok

2 years ago

Christopher Story "died under mysterious circumstances" after writing this book. He was an adviser on intelligence matters to Prime Minister Thatcher and published Soviet Analyst for many years. In the opinion of many he was better informed than British and US intelligence organisations put together. This book is a daring analysis of the plans of two major players in the battle for Europe's destiny. One is Germany and the dream of a Pan-Germany. The other is Russia, which had plans since the Soviet era.

In our days, the EU is seen as an enemy of the nations it comprises, thus Christopher Story thinks. He is able to see a "German and Russian strategy to complete Lenin's World Revolution.

Notes and references:

80. 'The Perestroika Deception', Anatoliy Golitsyn, op. cit., page 164, Memorandum to the Director of Central Intelligence, 30th April 1993.

81. 'Information Bulletin', 5-6, Volume 9,1971, Supplement to 'World Marxist Review', North American edition of 'Problems of Peace and Socialism', Progress Books, Toronto, Canada, pages 21-22; report on a Plenary Meeting of the Greek Communist Party stressing the 'imperative' need 'to understand that every Communist must be well trained in
underground activities'.

82. 'The Perestroika Deception', Anatoliy Golitsyn, op. cit, from a Memorandum to the Central Intelligence Agency dated March 1989, page 27. Thus the CIA was informed 30 months ahead of the event that the CPSU would 'step down' from the overt running of affairs, and would appear to retreat into the shadows, or 'underground' - circumstances of
which the Communists have much experience. Notwithstanding this authoritative warning, the CIA was taken by surprise by the events of 1991, although it has since devoted substantial resources to whitewashing its colossal intelligence failures-for instance, by publishing a massive self-adulatory tome in 1999 entitled 'At Cold War's End: US Intelligenceon the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-1999', edited by Benjamin B. Fischer.

83. William Z. Foster, 'Pages from a Worker's Life', International Publishers, New York, 1939, page 294.

84. 'The Perestroika Deception', Anatoliy Golitsyn, op. cit, page 27.

85. Presentation on continuing Soviet/Russian strategic deception given by the Author at the Institute of World Politics, Washington DC, 14th March 1995.
86. Letter from John Lenczowski, Director, The Institute of World Politics, to a correspondent, dated 4th November 1992.

87. 'The Perestroika Deception', Anatoliy Golitsyn, op. cit, Memorandum to the CIA dated February 1993, page 158.

88. 'Political Affairs', Theoretical Journal of the Communist Party, USA, September-October 1994: introduction to the messages of congratulation to the CPUSA on the occasion of its 75th anniversary from Communist Parties around the world, page 38; message inter alia from the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, page 43.

89. 'Political Affairs', Theoretical Journal of the Communist Party, USA, April 1995, article by Sam Webb, Secretary of the Labor Commission of the CPUSA, page 4.

90. In December 1994, a British academic known to the author, visiting Russia for consultations, was required to fill out a Customs Declaration form [see 'Soviet Analyst', Volume 23, Number 3, page 18], which contained the following instructions: 'KEEP FOR THE DURATION OF YOUR STAY IN THE USSR OR ABROAD.NOT RENEWABLE IN CASE OF LOSS.PERSONS GIVING FALSE INFORMATION IN THE CUSTOMS DECLARATION, OR TO CUSTOMS OFFICERS, SHALL RENDER THEMSELVES LIABLE UNDER THE LAWS OF THE USSR'. The form required an answer inter alia to the following: 'WITH ME AND IN MY BAGGAGE I HAVE... USSR ROUBLES, USSR STATE LOAN BONDS, SOVIET LOTTERY TICKETS...'.

91. The author is indebted to Professor Walter Zarickij of New York City for this confirmation.

92. 'The Perestroika Deception', Anatoliy Golitsyn op. cit, page 89.

93. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, FBIS-SOV-96-054,19th March 1996, page 44.

94. 'The Perestroika Deception', op. cit. An excellent summary of 'false democracy' ('democratism') is on page 87.

#EuropeanUnion #Collectivism #Deception

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