The Inversion of Jordan Peterson – J.R. Nyquist Blog

2 years ago

Published July 19th 2022


[i] (561) Russia Vs. Ukraine Or Civil War In The West? – YouTube

[ii] Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old: The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company), p. 182.

[iii] Edward Jay Epstein, Deception: The Invisible War Between the KGB and CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989), pp. 97-98. According KGB defector Golitsyn, “fake splits” in the communist bloc were used to draw the United States into supporting allegedly “independent” communist countries that were supposedly at odds with Moscow. After a 1958 lecture on this subject, KGB Chairman Shelepin “let it slip that China would be the perfect candidate for such a deception.” After working with the CIA’s counterintelligence staff in 1968, Golitsyn found evidence for the fake Sino-Soviet. But American experts did not take this evidence seriously. Without doing further research, even Epstein concluded that the experts were right and Golitsyn had been wrong about the Sino-Soviet split. Epstein came to this conclusion because of the documented “border war between Chinese and Soviet troops on the Ussuri River.” What Epstein failed to discover was that a Chinese defector, writing under the pen name of Yao Ming-le, alleged that PLA chief Lin Biao had staged the Sino-Soviet border war in collusion with Soviet generals. According to Yao, real regiments were to be decimated in this fighting, but it was – according to Yao – purely for show. Defector Yao’s bizarre story, which pretends to clarify the mystery of Lin Biao’s conspiracy and death, comes remarkable close to Golitsyn’s scenario of staging a “false split.” How do we explain Chinese defector testimony about a fake Sino-Soviet border war? In Golitsyn’s scenario the battles would have been staged as an outward show for American consumption; in other words, to fool the West into accepting the Sino-Soviet split as authentic. In Yao’s scenario, the battles were staged to fool Mao (so that the CCP leader would take shelter in a bunker where Lin Biao would gas him). Yao’s story is inherently improbable as a coup plot. There are easier ways to assassinate and overthrow a leader than creating a fake war. On closer analysis, Yao must have been a dispatched defector sent to allay suspicions by U.S. authorities. These suspicions might have arisen from an intelligence-related incident during that period which is mentioned in Kissinger and Nixon’s memoirs. A more interesting tidbit of defector testimony on this subject emerged in August 1998, when GRU Col. Stanislav Lunev told me that a close friend of his had been at the alleged Lin Biao crash site near Öndörkhaan Mongolia (Lin Biao or his fellow coup plotters – depending on which version of the story you believe – allegedly attempted to flee to the Soviet Union and were shot down as the plane entered Mongolian airspace). According to Lunev, Soviet investigators at the site determined that everyone on the crashed aircraft had been murdered previous to the flight and put on board to look as though they had been attempting to reach the USSR.

[iv] Operation Trust – Wikipedia

[v] Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom Attacking Religion and Promoting Terrorism (Audible Audio Edition): Prof. Ronald J. Rychlak, Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, Corey Snow, Audible Studios: Books – Pacepa’s book on “Soviet active measures” describes several East Bloc operations in great detail, illustrating how specially constructed Russian narratives have become integral to Western thinking.

[vi] Golitsyn, p. 182.

[vii] Russia takes complete advantage of castrated armed forces of the West (

[viii] Ibid.

[ix] BRICS – Wikipedia

[x] Pete Earley, Comrade J: The Untold Secrets of Russia’s Master Spy in America After the End of the Cold War (New York: G.P. Putnam and Sons, 2007), p. 8.

[xi] 100,000 lives annually: Drug death toll triples in Russia — RT World News

[xii] United States drug overdose death rates and totals over time – Wikipedia

[xiii] Abortion Rates by Country 2022 (

[xiv] Eric Voegelin translation by Clemens and Purcell, Hitler and the Germans (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1999), p. 236.

[xv] Anna Politkovskaya translated by Archer Tait, Putin’s Russia: Life in a Failing Democracy (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2004), p. 242.

[xvi] Ibid, p. 244.

[xvii] 1 September 1939 Reichstag speech – Wikipedia

[xviii] Read Putin’s Speech and His Case for War in Ukraine – The New York Times (

[xix] (58) Statue of Lenin returns to Henichesk, a Russian-occupied town near Crimea (

[xx] 40 Rules For Life – Jordan Peterson – Don Charisma

[xxi] Top Russian Official Vyacheslav Volodin Threatens U.S. With Invasion of Alaska (

#Ukraine #Putin #Communism

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