Tech Tips Tuesday 26: FOSS Not So Popular and More?

2 years ago

FOSS Dealing with FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)


Pipewire News

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Bad News for Python Users

10 Things About Tech Freedom

TTT 26-1: FOSS FUD? Why?

One Word: Security. As painful as it is, the last year has not been kind to FOSS, we had the Log4j breach in the Apache stack, which left many users vulnerable to hacks. Log4j is not that big of a deal for typical users though, as patching has fixed holes that were found, and as things were found, they were quickly handled, as is the typical situation in the FOSS community. This, along with news of more malware and vulnerabilities being exploited has soured many in the industry towards FOSS as a whole. Basically, a larger, brighter spotlight has been focused on FOSS in the last year or so, and I think that the community as a whole has risen to the challenges associated with it rather well.

#TTT #techtips #Linux #FOSSnews #security #TechFreedom

Discern what matters. Not everything that can be measured actually matters. Many things that can’t be measured matter more than those that can. Keep at it. Don’t give up. Have heart, and take courage that while things may look small now, on the surface, if you are doing things right, the root system is growing like gangbusters where no one but you can see it. Keep on, learn, take your licks, but keep on keeping on.

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TTT 26-2: Pipewire is Getting New Bluetooth Support

What is Pipewire, you ask? Why, it is a combo audio and video handler, to replace Pulseaudio, JACK, and v4l2, respectively, with a lighter, nimbler, and more versatile option that can offer better performance. What’s new? A primary developer added a commit to handle the new bt Low Energy standard in the stack. This is great news for many of us who use bluetooth headsets, and hopefully we will eventually get to have A2DP audio sinking and recording capabilities at the same time, because even pulseaudio can’t pull that off, or at least not well. This feature, if any of those devs watch my show, would make Linux an even better fit for most everyday people, particularly if we are still pulling for Linux Mobile in any form.

#TTT #pipewire #audio #video #news #Linux #FOSSnews #bluetooth #TechFreedom

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TTT 26-3: Python Problems… Uh oh…

This is a very old problem that is coming back to bite devs in the backside. It was discovered 15 years ago, and could lead to an attack with the scope of SolarWinds from a couple of years ago. Come on FOSS community, lets get this thing fixed before something catestrophic happens. The vulnerability is somewhere in the tarfile library, which could make software supply chain attacks more easily carried out. All an attacker would have to do is add ../ to a TAR archive file, and insodoing, gain execution rights in the writing process. Be careful, you who regularly write or use Python programs. Go back through your code to check for this bugger. Yikes.

#TTT #python #vulnerability #oldnews #checkyourcode #TechFreedom

10 Things My Wife Thinks You Should Know about Tech Freedom.

#TechFreedom #wifeysauce #getfree #explainer

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