You’re The Cure, January 23, 2017

2 years ago

Today Dr. Ben interviews Christine Stuart who is a certified nurse mid-wife here in Lubbock. You'll learn about how the U.S. ranks 58th in the world in infant mortality and how most other industrialized countries utilize midwives because of their superior outcomes. Dr. Ben reminds his listeners how cesarean section delivery rates are quite high in the U.S. and that c-section babies are at increased risk of obesity and autoimmune disease. Also, these c-section babies miss out on the good probiotic flora from the mom's vaginal birth canal and are instead inoculated by the skin flora of hospital workers instead of the colon flora of their mom! There are over 100 birthing centers in Dallas and some with waiting lists! It is time for West Texas to learn about the benefits and superior care that midwives can bring to women's health.

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