Redeeming American Economic Life – Chapter 1.2 – Illiberal Reformers – Thomas C. Leonard

2 years ago

Part 1: The Progressive Ascendancy
Chapter 1: Redeeming American Economic Life

Subsections of Chapter 1:
Economic Revolution 3
The Economic Progressives 7
Redeeming American Economic Life 11

The book can be read in conjunction with Antony Sutton's book on how Skull and Bones took control of education in the US (, with James Burnham's 'Managerial Revolution', and with Samuel T. Francis' 'Leviathan and Its Enemies'.

Published: January 12th 2016


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Lecture by Leonhard on his book:

Chapter 1 Notes

23. When Walter Lippmann quipped in 1921, "an American will endure almost any insult except the charge that he is not progressive," he recognized that progressive was a term of approbation, connoting such virtues as goodness, far-sightedness, or enlightenment.

24. In the nineteenth-century American context, "evangelical" refers less to a specific group or church than to a particular set of Protestant religious commitments: (1) conversionism, the need to be "born again"; (2) biblicism, the authority of the bible; (3) crucicentrism, an emphasis on the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and (4) activism, in the form of missionary or social work

25. Arthur Schlesinger (1932) "A Critical Period in American Religion, 1875-1900." Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 64:523-47.

26. "The laws of exchange are based on nothing less solid than the will of God," Perry wrote. Arthur Latham Perry (1875) The Elements of Political Economy. p. 105.

27. Perry, The Elements of Political Economy, p. 166.

28. Bradley Bateman has recovered the influence of the social gospel movement on the progressive economists who founded the AEA. See, for example, Bradley W. Bateman (1998) "Clearing the Ground: The Demise of the Social Gospel Movement and the Rise of Neoclassicism in American Economics."

29. Josiah Strong (1885) Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis. New York: Baker & Taylor.

30. A. W. Coats (1988) "The Educational Revolution and the Professionalization of American Economics." In William J. Barber (ed.), Breaking the Academic Mould: Economists and American Higher Learning in the Nineteenth Century. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, pp. 340-75.

31. Richard T. Ely (1891) "Pauperism in the United States." North American Review 152(413): 395-409. Quote is from pp. 406-7.

32. Richard T. Ely (1889) Social Aspects of Christianity. New York: Thomas Crowell and Company, p. 53.

33. John R. Commons (1894) Social Reform and the Church. New York: Thomas Crowell and Company, p.71.

34. Edward A. Ross (1907) Sin and Society: An Analysis of Latter-Day Iniquity. New York: Macmillan. Though Ross revisited the Christian idea of inborn sinfulness, he did not believe that all human beings were perfectible by good works.

35. Eisenach, The Lost Promise of Progressivism, p. 11.Progressive Era historiography gives us an embarrassment of terminological diversity: "progressive liberals," "democratic lib36. Richard T. Ey (1896) The Sevil Law of Serwer New York: Faton & Mains. pp 162-6

37. Commons. Social Reform and the Church, p. 54

38. Joseph Dorfman (1969(1954) "Incroduction." In Joseph Dorfman (ed.). Tive us by Henry Cart Adams, New Yorki Augustus M. Kelles See also A W. Ceans (1968)

39. Cited in Ajax K. Mchroers (2013) Matinal Modern i can Fil Seatr Law Pwlinics and the Reef Progressive Taani 1827-1929.

40. Edwin R. A. Seligman (1922) "Memorial to Former President Henry C. Adams in E ic Review 12(3): 401-8, p. 403.

41. John Henry (1995) Jobs Bates Clark: The Making of pp. 1-2

42. John R. Commons (1934) M ay New York: Macmillan. pp. 8.

43. 1892. Small founded and chaired the Department of Sociology which was located in the Chicago Divinity School. Small was the founding editor of the American Jour nalofacialogy (1895), which he edited for many years. Cited in Steven Diner (1975) p. 52.

45. Jane Addams (2002 [1893D "The Subjective Necessity for Social Sercemenes"

46. Ely, Introduction to Political Economic p. 118

47. La Mary Furner's formulation objectivity required avoiding touch advocacy. Mary Furner (1975).docary and Object Chisi iw obie Profession of American Social Scene 1865-1905.

48. Delegates attending the 1912 Progressive Party convention, which nominated Theo dore Roosevelt for president, sang rousing choruses of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

49. David Holger (1989) "Justification by Verification: The Scienti Chilone to the Moral Authority of Christianity in Modem America." In Michael J. Lacey (ed.). pp. 116-35. pp. 117,123

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