2022-09-25, GESARA SHOW 056 - Sunday

2 years ago

September 25, 2022, The GESARA Show 056
Duration: 2:41:13

Hosts: Peter Walker (Cologne, Germany) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

This is the 56th episode of the GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

Billy needed to take on a new job to pay his living expenses and will therefore not be available for the Wednesday shows for the foreseeable future (unless the RV comes soon). The subscription fees for this show are used to cover the costs and are not enough to pay Billy or Peter a wage. If we can significantly increase the number of subscribers, that would be possible.

Billy put out an appeal for help, in order to be able to keep living in his home until money from the new job (or the RV) can be used. He needed $500 by the end of September and that goal has been met - thank-you. Any additional donations are very welcome as follows:
Send him a donation directly via PayPal to gillies.william@sbcglobal.net
Use the "Thank-you" subscription of this forum.
Use https://paypal.me/GESARAShow
Our further goal is to increase the number of subscribers so that Billy and Peter can expand the show further and actually get paid for this very demanding job. Even if you cannot donate, tell your friends about the show and recommend they join us.

As a thank-you, this episode is being released publicly in full with no delays.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:34 Where is everyone from?
00:03:22 Kirsten's report from Trump Rally.
00:04:46 Rosh Hashanah
00:05:02 Video: Understanding Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah
00:13:29 Rosh Hashanah explained
00:20:43 Peter's wedding surprise
00:22:59 Peter's Diesel problems
00:25:08 Summary of Charlie's Intel on Saturday
00:26:48 Preparing for the NEWS
00:31:38 NEWS and Intel.
01:00:52 Q&A: Mary, Structure at White House, Elton John
01:05:57 Q&A: Cajun Girl, Who pays the lender - bank loans
01:12:09 Q&A: Kirsten, Trump rally report
01:18:01 Q&A: Kryki, Queen Diana on Telegram. Nicolas
01:28:05 Q&A: Janice, Better life if congress had not blocked Asset backed..
01:30:42 Q&A: Barbara, Nancy Drew - Elton John?
01:32:44 Q&A: Timothy, Currency backed by QFS? Body/Emotion Code.
01:37:48 Q&A: Sherry, DNS Server on router. Test with rt.com
01:44:24 Q&A: Derek, QFS has backfired on WEF
01:48:08 Q&A: Ann, Birth certificate for RV?
01:49:14 Q&A: Josef, Energy Enhancement System. eesystem.com
01:50:30 Q&A: Donna, Banks closed in Australia.
01:54:36 Q&A: Ravi, StarLink, need to change DNS? How does Signal work?
01:57:39 Q&A: Michael, What is the next Event?
02:03:36 Q&A: Patricia U, Tesla Energy systems in Germany, Surge protectors
02:10:30 Q&A: Donna, Stone of Destiny has been stolen, charlieward.tv
02:11:46 Billie's Announcement - No more Wednesdays. Angie and Mandy
02:13:12 Introduction to :Angie. & :Mandy.
02:03:36 Billy's Request for help. PayPal: gillies.william@sbcglobal.net
02:20:36 Final Thoughts on the Day.
02:21:52 Look ahead to Wednesday.
02:23:48 Will the Wednesday Show be delayed by the After Party?
02:26:25 Q&A: Donna, Volcano in Asia
02:26:41 Q&A: Stella, donation to Billy via Forum?
02:27:10 Q&A: Cherry45Sunny, Release show faster to public?
02:28:40 How to donate to Billy via the forum: Thank-you Subscription
02:30:31 Wrapping Up
02:31:08 No Strippers….
02:35:29 Wave Goodbye
02:35:51 Bonus: The Perfect Man…
02:38:33 Bonus: The Big Russian Bird..
02:41:13 End.

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