Redeeming American Economic Life – Chapter 1.1 – Illiberal Reformers – Thomas C. Leonard

2 years ago

Part 1: The Progressive Ascendancy
Chapter 1: Redeeming American Economic Life

Subsections of Chapter 1:
Economic Revolution 3
The Economic Progressives 7
Redeeming American Economic Life 11

The book can be read in conjunction with Antony Sutton's book on how Skull and Bones took control of education in the US (, with James Burnham's 'Managerial Revolution', and with Samuel T. Francis' 'Leviathan and Its Enemies'.

Published: January 12th 2016


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Lecture by Leonhard on his book:

Chapter 1 Notes

1. Stanley Lebergott (1966) "Labor Force and Employment, 1800-1960." In Dorothy Brady (ed.), Output, Employment, and Productivity in the United States after 1800. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, pp. 117-204, p. 119.

2. US Bureau of the Census (1975) Historical Statistics of the United States, Vol. I. Series C89-119: Immigrants, by country, 1820-1970, Washington, DC: Government Printing Of fice, pp. 105-6. Niles Carpenter (1927) Immigrants and Their Children, 1920. US Census Monographs VII. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, p. 27.

3. Gerald Friedman (1999) "U.S. Historical Statistics: New Estimates of Union Mem. bership in the United States, 1880-1914." Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 32(2): 75-86.

4. This figure includes strikes only and omits employer lockouts, slowdowns, and other types of labor disputes. Union-organized strikes comprise about two-thirds of the total strikes. US Department of Labor (1906) Twenty-First Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, pp. 15-16.

5. Naomi R. Lamoreaux (1988) The Great Merger Movement in American Business, 1895-1904. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-2.

6. Thomas McCraw (1984) "Business and Government: The Origins of an Adversary Relationship." California Management Review 26: 33-52, p. 42, citing Alfred Chandler, Jr. (1977) The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

7. Thomas J. Haskell (1977) The Emergence of Professional Social Science: The American Social Science Association and the Nineteenth Century Crisis of Authority. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, p. 1.

8. Simon Nelson Patten (1907) The New Basis of Civilization. New York: Macmillan. Richard T. Ely (1910) "The American Economic Association 1885-1909." American Economic Association Quarterly, 3rd Series, 11(1): 47-111, p. 67. Frederick Jackson Turner (1911) "Social Forces in American History." American Historical Review 16(2):217-33. John Dewey (1915 (1899]) The School and Society

9. David A. Wells (1890) Recent Economic Changes and Their Effect on the Production and Distribution of Wealth and the Well-being of Society. New York: D. Appleton and Co., p.v.

10. Benjamin P. DeWitt (1915) The Progressive Movement: A Non-partisan, Comprehensive Discussion of Current Tendencies in American Politics.

11. Steven J. Diner (1999) "Linking Politics and People: The Historiography of the Progressive Era." OAH Magazine of History 13(2):5-9.

12. Henry May (1949) Protestant Churches and Industrial America. New York: Harper Bros., p. 235.

13. "Strange is it not?" Ely wrote of the Knights of Labor, "that the despised trades-union and labor organizations should have been chosen to perform this high duty of conciliation! But hath not God ever called the lowly to the most exalted missions, and hath not he ever called the foolish to confound the wise?" Richard T. Ely (1886) The Labor Movement in America.

14. Linda Gordon (2002) "SHGAPE Distinguished Historian Address: If the Progressives Were Advising Us Today, Should We Listen?" Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1(2): 109-21, p. 111.

15. Ely accused La Follette of having been more help to the Kaiser than a quarter of a million troops." Carol Gruber (1975) Mars and Minerva: World War I and the Uses of Higher Learning in America.

16. DeWitt, The Progressive Movement, p. viii.

17. Daniel Rodgers (1982) "In Search of Progressivism." Reviews in American History 10(4): 113-32

18. Herbert Croly (1911 [1909]) The Promise of American Life.

19. Eldon Eisenach (1994) The Lost Promise of Progressivism.

20. Rodgers, “In Search of Progressivism," pp. 123, 126.

21. Richard T. Ely (1886) "Report on the Organization of the American Economic Association." Publications of the American Economic Association 1(1): 5-16, pp. 6-7.

22. Robert Wiebe (1967) The Search for Order, 1877-1920. New York: Hill and Wang, p. 166.

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