The Origins of the Fourth World War – J.R. Nyquist – Chapter 2: Weapons of Mass Destruction

2 years ago


Jeff Nyquist's book, the Origins of the Fourth World War, is a brilliant result of long term and very professional geo-political research and analysis. His book is based on real facts and information connected with current international developments. Without any exaggerations, it's possible to compare the results of Jeff's work with an intelligence agency or a serious think tank's research and analysis during many months. His book is very important for the national security of America and needs to be used for the protection of the United States from current and prospective dangers.


1 Soviet Military Strategy, ed. Vasilii Sokolovskiy, trans. Harriet Fast Scott (New York: 1975). p. 11.

2 Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism. 3: 135.

3 Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, The Essays, Ed. W. Carew Haalia, trans. Charles Collon (Chicago: William Benton, 1952), #19 Milkovitch.

4 "Prospects for Use of Biological Weapons in Future Wars Vojnovantes Pregled XII, No. 11-12. Nov.- Dec., 1956.

5 Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. and Neil C Livingstone. America the Vulnerable The Threat of Chemical and Biological Warfare (Lexington Massachusetts Lexington Books, 1987, p. 23

6 Ibid., p. 37

7 Ibid., p. 150.

8 Ibid. p. 75.

9 Interview with General J. K. Singlaub. Survive. May/June. 1982.

10 There is, of course, the question of "delayed" fallout, popularized by the novel On the Beach According to Peter Vincent Pry. a CIA expert and author of Nuclear Wars Exchange and Outcomes (New York: Taylor and Francis New York Inc., 1990). p. 195. "Under worst case conditions, delayed fallout from a nuclear war might increase severalfold the annual number of deaths caused by such diseases as lymphatic cancer, leukemia, and cance of the thyroid. However, these deaths would probably be far fewer than deaths now resulting from industrial accidents, from smoking lung cancer), or from automobile fatalities. The number of deaths induced by delayed fallout from nuclear war are well within the capacity of society to tolerate, given the much larger number of deaths from premature causes that are tolerated in peacetime.

11 Strobe Talbott, The Master of the Game: Paul Nitse and the Nuclear Peace (New York: Vintage Books. A Division of Random House, 1988), p. 152.

12 Seagrave, Yellow Rain: A Journey Through the Terror of Chemical Warfare (New York, 1981). p. 221

13 See the Federal Emergency Management Agency's handbookst In Time of Emergency (H-14 October 1985) and Protection in the Nuclear Age (H-20. June 1985

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