NASA Report to Depopulate the World NASA WAR DOCUMENT

2 years ago

This is a report to the people of the world from the NASA website. It was a power point by Dennis Bushnell Chief NASA Scientist just before 911 in July 2001. Future Warfare Circa 2025. Using Existing trends and technologies. About Robots, Psyborgs and Humans. It was available to the public but no one saw it. "Terror attacks using radiation frequencies, using vaccines, Exploit CNN Syndrome set up by the C.I.A. to brainwash people. Says " humans have negative value". U.S. Airforce, DARPA, DOF, and many more of our agencies we trust to protect us who are now attacking us to kill us. We are U.S.A Inc a corporation no longer a Constitutional Republic. We no longer have a legitimate government. The War Machine is stating exactly the attack with technologies beyond most peoples comprehension. "Beam weapons increasingly prevalent". " Micro-Dust to make us inhale it to kill us". Use of frequencies to kill us, smart meters, metering systems, microwave frequencies- cell phone towers to target 100% of the human population will be targeted". People are dropping like flies. Jamming our immune systems with these frequencies. Transhumanism is the goal. Chemtrails, nano-fibers being dropped, this NASA War Document on humans is acknowledged. No longer any debate, not a conspiracy theory, this is the absolute goal. It is incarceration, mind control, depopulation. Silent Weapons documents lays it out to control the human population. This woman is amazing and brave and right on. WE ARE AT WAR WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. This was long planned folks. Share widely.

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