02 - Conceptos de control lateral y ataque a la espalda para Jiu-Jitsu brasileño - Felipe Costa

1 year ago

Seguindo desde un ataque lateral, ahora Felipe Costa evoluciona para buscar la espalda y estrangular. Movimiento sin fuerza, solo con buen control.
Este fue un seminario en Campeche, Yucatán, México, noviembre de 2016.

No digo que mi español sea bueno hoy, pero en 2016 estaba muy malo. perdon jajaja

Video de um treino solto entre @FelipeCostaBJJ e seu aluno Caio, filmado em janeiro de 2019

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If you are interested in going deeper in some of my teaching methods, please take a look at the link on my BIO ( @felipecostabjj ) or the links below:

All my BJJ instructional ON DEMAND: https://vimeo.com/felipecostabjj/vod_pages

The Basics of Side-Control Defense: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/basicssidecontroldefense

Advance Side Control SCAPES to apply against experienced grapplers: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/advancesidecontrolscapes

The Umbrella Concept - Self Defense Seminar for Kids: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/umbrellaconceptbjjkids

(BJJ FANATICS) PASSING TO THE BACK: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/passing-to-the-back-by-felipe-costa

(BJJ FANATICS) Y GUARD https://bjjfanatics.com/products/the-y-guard-by-felipe-costa

(BJJ FANATICS) CONTROLLING THE BACK FOR DUMMIES: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/controlling-the-back-position-by-felipe-costa

Pasajes imparables a la Media Guardia: https://www.seminarioss.com/courses/Pasajes-imparables-a-la-media-guardia

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