Living in the Past

1 year ago

Shabbat SHALAM Mashpakah (family) it’s time to make amends aka atonement.

Please take some quiet time to go before YAHUAH and ask for forgiveness for you and your family even if you don’t have the best relationships with them, even though they may have hurt you in times past, even though they may involved you and or your family in some nonsense that caused unnecessary consequences in your life’s please go before YAHUAH and ask him to forgive you and them.

It is time to free ourselves of unnecessary stress and pain that neither you or them can undo but we all can start by leaving the past in the past even if it was a few minutes ago.

We are not promised tomorrow so why not make reparations now before too far becomes too late and even if you think it’s too late know that NOTHING is too hard for YAHUAH to fix, we just have ti be willing to go before the throne and ask, then wait for the results, you may be astonished by the quick response just because you obeyed and had the courage to go before the king.

I pray Shalum over you and your entire family and household:
May Yahuah bless you, and guard you: Yahuah make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: Yahuah lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Yashar'el; and I will bless them. BEMIDBAR (NUMBERS) 6:24-27 את CEPHER

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