Emotional Detox Release Negative Blockages | 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

2 years ago

741 Hz Solfeggio acts as a repulsive magnet for toxins, negativity, anger, jealousy, lies and everything or act that brings negativity in our lives. It acts as a protective armor against all things negative, inside us and outside us. This is also the frequency of Throat Chakra, the Chakra of Truth. It is blocked by lies that we tell ourselves and to others.

This beautiful solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz acts as your protective armor, against all this negativity, so that something positive can take its place. If you have too much negativity in and around you, meditate along with this healing sleep music, as you let go all the negative and self deprecating thought patterns and behavior out of your subconscious.

Raise Your Vibe!

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