Dmitry Medvedev on Telegram: (Sept 2022)

2 years ago

Former President of Russia & Deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev on Telegram:

"In addition, we will do everything to prevent the appearance of nuclear weapons in our hostile neighbors.

For example, in Neonazi Ukraine, which is directly controlled today by NATO countries.

It's pointless to count on the reason and political will of the Kiev's Regime.
But there is still a fragile hope for common sense and a sense of self-preservation of the enemy countries condoning them.
They understand that if the threat to Russia exceeds the established danger limit, we will have to respond.

Without asking anyone's permission, without long consultations. And it's definitely not a bluff.

Now a different question:
— Imagine that Russia is forced to use the most formidable weapon against the Ukrainian regime, which has committed a large-scale act of aggression that is dangerous for the very existence of our state.

I believe that 🌐 NATO will not directly intervene in the conflict even in this situation.
After all, the security of Washington, London, Brussels is much more important for the North Atlantic Alliance than the fate of a dying Ukraine that no one needs, even if it is abundantly supplied with various weapons.

The supply of modern weapons is just a business for Western countries, however, heavily implicated in hatred towards us.
No more. Overseas and European demagogues are not going to perish in a nuclear apocalypse.

Therefore, they will swallow the use of any weapon in the current conflict. Something like this…
It would be nice if this sad conclusion was at least partially realized by the authorities in Kiev.

Alas, it's almost impossible. They are in constant war frenzy with short pauses for bizarre drug dreams."

"More about the use of nuclear weapons
— Our enemies love to make grandiloquent statements.

They use the terms "freedom", "democracy", "mission".

In fact, this is just ritual verbal diarrhea. Fountains of diarrheal demagogy, coupled with vicious croaking rhetoric, have become a long-proven weapon of the Anglo-Saxon World, with which they flood the rest of humanity in an attempt to defend their exclusivity and the right to rule the world.

The topic of recent days is the Russian nuclear threat.
Biden and Truss, various secondary blinkins and sullivans, spraying The Atlantic saliva, demand that Russia remove its hand from its “nuclear button”.

Together, they constantly threaten us with “terrifying” consequences if Russia uses nuclear weapons.
And the London aunt, young in mind, is completely ready to immediately begin an exchange of nuclear strikes with our country.

I have to remind you again - for those deaf who hear only themselves:
— Russia has the right to use nuclear weapons if necessary. In predetermined cases, of course.

In strict accordance with the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence:
— If we or our allies are attacked using this type of weapon.
— If aggression with the use of conventional weapons threatens the very existence of our state.

The President of Russia spoke about this directly recently."

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