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2 years ago

Cat language How to read a cat's thoughts through their gestures

Each world has its own speech language, just as in our world, a language of communication and a language of dialogue as well as a body language, we find in the animal world languages ​​that communicate with each other, so they are in the end nations like us

Cats are pets, and their language is a simplified language, such as the language of zeros and ones in the computer, and it is true that the West invented

A device to know the words of cats costs about 175 dollars, but with experience I discovered a way to communicate with them,
A- The cat or kitten is in its normal state if these signs appear:

Raising the ear, which indicates curiosity.

Tail balance.

Straightening her mustache.

secretion of sebaceous glands (skin glands that secrete an oily substance to soften hair or skin)

An oily substance that has a characteristic odor.

Fixing its claws on the ground.

The soles of the claws act as shock absorbers.

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