Analogue Coach Lighting Interfering with DCC ABC braking?

2 years ago

Diagnosing a problem with Lit Pullman Coaches causing a train to fail to stop in an ABC braking section.

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Two of these lit pullman coaches in the same train was interfering with the ability of a locomotive to stop in the ABC sections at the club layout. In this video I check out the DCC waveform with an oscilloscope as I see if I can reproduce the issue at home.

Do let me know in the comments what you think I should do with these coaches.

Table of Contents:
00:00 - The Problem
00:28 - DCC Waveform -- Data and ABC
00:47 - PCBWay
01:32 - DCC Waveform -- Noise
02:20 - Testing the coaches
04:33 - Disassembly to review lighting circuit
05:46 - Options for how to proceed

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