24 09 2022 - Melbourne Freedom Rally - Part 10 of 15

2 years ago

For about 5 to 10 minutes these 3 Yarra Trams males had not moved an inch but were standing in the exact same spot looking at the Freedom Rally group, then they finally start moving.
Strange unusual scenes of people on the other side of Spring Street intersection filming and taking photos of Freedom Rally people area.

Then a young man walks past us standing with another at the north side of the Burke Street & Spring Street intersection walks in a perfect straight line past the Freedom Rally group but only stares straight forward - but holds a camera stick straight up facing the Freedom Rally people, then once he passes Freedom Rally people he then drops his camera down and stops the recording and continues walking forward. Not turning to the left or right or looking down.
This caught the suspicion and curiosity of a few people.
Here is the encounter after he had done that deed.

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