Top 7 Dirtiest Things in the Office

2 years ago

You might not think that an office is a dirty place, but there are actually quite a few things that can get pretty grubby. Here are the top 7 dirtiest things in the office:

1. Telephone – We use our phones all the time, and they can get covered in all sorts of bacteria. Make sure you clean your phone regularly!

2. Desk – Your desk is probably one of the dirtiest places in the office. It’s a good idea to give it a wipe down with a disinfectant every now and then.

3. Computer keyboard – Just like your desk, your keyboard can also get pretty grubby. Again, give it a good clean with a disinfectant to get rid of any bacteria.

4. Coffee mug – If you’re someone who likes to have a coffee at their desk, then chances are your mug can get pretty dirty. Make sure you wash it regularly.

5. Door handles – Door handles are another place where bacteria can easily build up. Make sure you give them a wipe-down with a disinfectant every so often.

6. Pens – Pens are another item that we use all the time and can easily get covered in bacteria. Make sure you clean them regularly.

7. Trash can – Last but not least, don’t forget to clean out your trash can! It can get pretty dirty, so make sure you give it a good scrub every now and then.

Most of us spend a lot of time in the office, and it’s easy to become complacent with hygiene – we go through the same motions every day and don’t think about how we’re spreading germs or bacteria around the office. We hope this blog has given you some insights into how you can keep your work space clean, and remember to wash your hands regularly and clean up after yourself!

If you want a clean and hygienic office environment, you may want to consider hiring commercial office cleaning services in Singapore.

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