trying to make it in a fake ass world???

2 years ago

love this hat, it's just so hobo
i wanna talk about so many things, man
my mind goes blank once i get on stage
engaging everywhere else (literally)
not enough room for all that's inside of me
not to be so self-obsessed
i really am the best one
nobody else is doing what i'm doing on the internet
yours truly is a real ass mf
if i met her she'd be as obscene (true!)
what chu see is what chu get
they're all fake
we don't care what's in fashion
there's a way that you can say everything to make it funny
i love being schizo, it's fantastic
one teenie tiny thing will change the reactions of the audience
quite amazing what we do
it's cool to watch people grow
those w/ self-awareness have a chance in this world but most people don't

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