1 MİN AGO ! Huge loss for Putin Russian headquarters hit by Ukrainian artillery fire!

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Eastern Ukraine is still being bombed by Russia.On the other hand, Ukrainian military troops are destroying and severely damaging Russian defense lines. According to information provided by the Ukrainian special forces, missiles fired by a specialized unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that breached Russian defenses destroyed the Russian column.It is rumored that the Russians keep their armaments at Hillaria. Operators nearby accompanied the strike with large explosions, which were seen on local video. The Russian army launched a star strike to seize control of Gorsky and Zealot after the explosions. Sergei Haydar, the region's governor, claimed today that Russia had bombed these two cities. According to the British Ministry of Defense, the siege of Kiev is still upsetting Russian troops. He was therefore unable to alter the organization of the Russian onslaught in the east. Their capacity to fight is further harmed by the Russian army's error, which caused them to run into the strong Ukrainian forces in the Donbas region. However, the main reason Russia conducted the campaign in a considerably narrower region was due to organizational issues within the military.
In the Donbas region, where they are experiencing the same issues, it is significant to highlight that the Russian army has not made any progress.
Only the Russian bombings are currently having an impact on the region.
However, these assaults are more harmful to the local populace than they are to the Ukrainian military.
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