2 MINUTES AGO! Bayraktar TB-2 aided an artillery strike hit the Russian armored vehicles! UKRAİNE

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Bayraktar TB-2 aided an artillery strike hit the Russian armored vehicles! UKRAİNE RUSSİA WAR NEWS Using the TB Bayraktar unmanned aerial vehicle, the Ukrainian Air Force still fights with Russian armored units in the south of Ukraine. TB 2 is still finding Russian armored vehicles one at a time in open terrain. The Russian army hasn't come up with a plan yet for fighting TB2. As seen in the Last Minute Cove video, TB 2 destroys the Russian Armored Brigade. To avoid drones, Russian troops often go through wooded areas in the south of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Air Force's main weapon in the war, the TB Twos quickly rose to the top of the list.
When they heard that the Russian army was planning a big attack on Kyiv, they sent the ammunition after hours as a safety measure. The Ukrainian army has started to move its defensive line south of Kiev, according to the most recent information.The Ukrainian army started to take back positions where the Russian army had moved away to regroup. Zelensky's recent statement that the battle has moved into its second phase shows that the Russian army is getting ready for a full-scale attack on the defending Ukrainian forces.Turkey is said to have talked with the Ukrainian Air Force about getting the two TBs.It's a very interesting question. What would Putin do if Ukraine got TB's tweets, which are very important to the war?Also, Russia said this morning that it had taken control of Mariupol and that 1,478 Ukrainian soldiers had turned themselves in.We found out that Putin was. He told people to build a place where soldiers and civilians could hide. get out of here now At the last minute, the president of Ukraine said that even flies can't fly.Even though Ukrainian troops are still stationed in one part of Mariupol, most of the city is now under Russian control. Like this video and subscribe to our channel if you want to see more videos like this.
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