The vaccine devils are going after kids and pregnant women now!!

2 years ago

The cursed vaccine devils are going after kids and those who are expecting babies now, the antichrist and his cursed vaccine devils are pushing the vaccine very hard now, it does nothing at all, then I saw a beast rise out of the sea and on his head had 10 horns and he gave power to the image of the beast and it will kill anyone who doesn't worship the antichrist or the image, then he forced all Rich, mighty, free and those who are in sin and slaves to sin to receive a mark or the vaccine that they might not buy or sell without it, and if anyone refused they were killed let wisdom know the number which is 666, then I heard a third angel yelling out woe unto everyone who worships the antichrist and got his mark for they shall suffer the fierce fiery wrath of the Lamb about to be poured out they will get painful boils on themselves and the sun will sorch them! They will be tormented in the presence of the Lamb and His angels with burning brimstone and sulfur and will be tormented forever and ever and their torment shall never end, then the Lord Jesus will throw the antichrist who decieved people along with the false prophet into the lake of fire and He will take His sword and kill all those who worshipped the antichrist and got his mark , the birds of the air will eat their flesh, then I heard a voice from the Throne room of God saying just are your judgements you who are, and were, the Holy One, because you have so judged, for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets and you have given blood for them to drink as they deserve, yes Lord God Almighty true and just are your judgements!!, God will punish all who got the vaccines!! There is no forgiveness for those who got the vaccines and worship the antichrist!! Nope once you get the vaccine you are doomed forever to suffer in the lake of fire and there is nothing God can do, He kicked Satan and his cursed wicked angels out of heaven, same with Adam and Eve, there is nothing impure shall enter the New jersalem or does anything shameful or decietful but only those whose names are found written in the Lamb book of life shall enter, that includes those who give out the vaccines and gets them, they are posion bags period, and a stench to God now, the vaccine changes your DNA and it can never be removed or forgiven ever, nope you cross the line there is no going back, if someone follows Jesus and got the vaccines the Holy Spirit leaves them forever, God will not live in anyone that bows down to the antichrist! You can't serve God and Satan, the person becomes a dark worthless cursed demonic being like Saul was, they are worthless and owned by Satan forever, they will never be forgiven ever and are cursed by God!! There is no forgiveness for anyone who gets the vaccine and worships the antichrist, zero, the antichrist hates God, Jesus and the holy Spirit!! He is called the antichrist for a reason, anti Christ, a world without God that is the great tribulation period

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