Vacation Adam

2 years ago

Ep 167
Cum Town Premium

Nick reinstalling Modern Warfare - playing as a girl in video games - dudes rock
Weinstein forgetting how to walk
The kind of guy Stav would get head from
Stav's dick is a gag gift, always makes women gag from the "size"
Getting Yakuza tattoos
Stav getting business cards just for bitches
The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Billy Joel, but gay
The return of cruisin' Joe List
The Family Man with Nicholas Cage
The Long Good Friday - synth music/Giorgio Moroder/Italo disco
Stav has an ouvre and Nick checks the book/parchment/stone tablet to see he doesn't
Nick's trip to China - Raiden doing gay shit -babalities
Callback to what ends up being a later episode - the Felix ep about Virgil/Justin
Elizabeth Warren is a snake - Adam and Eve and the snake
Adam's daughter being a massive slut and he's fully supportive
Nick playing Africa by Toto with beepsBefore The Adam Friedland Show there was a little olde show called CumTown.

Nick Mullen, Stavros Halkias, and Adam Friedland (the host of The Adam Friedland Show) would talk down 2 mics, three if Adam was lucky and not inside a cardboard box.
Special guests from Ian Fidance to Mike Recine, Tim Dillon to Dasha, Rosebud Baker to Charles Dickens, Bill Burr to Elvis Presley.
Support CumTown/TheAdamFriedlandShow at their Patreon page here -

😂😆🤣 more funny CumTown clips here - 😂😆🤣

🕍✡💎 for a mega CumTown patreon/CumTown premium playlist - 🕍✡💎

🎬📽🎞 or watcha movie IRL with da CumTown boyz - 🎬📽🎞

👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 and we have the excellent original CumTown episodes - 👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦

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