Kayla Lemieux's Pool Party, Family Friendly Drag Bingo in Texas Church & Museum All-Ages Drag Show!

2 years ago

Ontario's Favourite Shop Teacher, Kayla Lemieux might, possibly, if it doesn't offend her too much, change up the fit. But if the stunning and brave educator wants to let them prosthetic fun bags fly in public, by all means. Oakville, what the hell?

Katy, Texas, outside of Houston, had an all ages Drag Show Bingo event at the First Christian Church over the weekend. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!?!?

Memphis, Tennessee had to call in the Police to deal with a couple protestors outside a Museum event. That event was to be a family-friendly Drag show to cap off the "Summer of Pride" in Memphis. Glad the cops are taking somethings seriously in that dangerous city.

Instead of getting upset about the degeneracy, how about do something about the root issue. If there wasn't a demand for it, these events wouldn't happen. If it's happening in your School or place of entertainment/education, don't attend. No eyeballs, no attention, no problems.

The Post Millennial 1: https://thepostmillennial.com/ontario-education-minister-politely-asks-school-to-reevaluate-dress-codes-after-fake-big-busted-teacher-controversy
Rebel News: https://www.rebelnews.com/new_look_trans_shop_teacher_kayla_lemieux_spotted_in_orange_at_pool
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/culture-war-erupts-in-texas-town-over-drag-bingo-event-hosted-by-christian-church_4753201.html
Politico: https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/texas/
PM2: https://thepostmillennial.com/memphis-museum-cancels-family-friendly-drag-show-due-to-protest

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#ShopTeacher #LGBT #DragShow

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