10 Minute Guided Mindful Meditation

2 years ago

I believe meditation is something that absolutely everybody can benefit from, and I also believe people know this.

The problem is not many people know how to do it...
It certainly isn’t about clearing your mind and not having thoughts.
That is almost impossible to achieve.
This is also where most people give up and disregard the practice.

Meditation, at least mindful meditation, is simply about witnessing your thoughts and feelings, recognising when you’ve gotten lost in thought, and then bringing your attention back to the present moment.
Contrary to popular belief, success in meditation is when you’ve noticed you’ve gotten lost in thought and can return your awareness back to the moment.
Every time you bring your awareness back from mindless thinking, you’ve done a bicep curl for your brain. And to be honest, most of our thinking is mindless and unintentional.
A lot of our thoughts aren’t even ours. Our thoughts often replay what people said, or ideas we heard somewhere, almost none are original.

Adding to that, our emotions play a huge part in our thoughts. Positive emotions bring about positive thoughts, and negative emotions bring about negative thoughts. We are primed all day, every day, and until you realize this, you are essentially asleep, drifting through life mindlessly.

Hope this 10 minute guided mindful meditation helps bring peace, even if it's for a couple minutes.

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