Deep State Targeting Your MIND, Literally

2 years ago

Deep State totalitarians are now targeting your mindset and worldview as they move toward the Great Reset and the New World Order, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. This includes using propaganda, lies, "nudging," emotional manipulation, and brainwashing masquerading as "education," Alex warns. World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab openly said "mindsets" must be transformed. The United Nations has made similarly alarming comments. Key officials from the Obama and Biden administrations are working on using "behavioral insights" in this effort to transform people's minds. And according to whistleblowers, Rick Stengel, former Obama undersecretary of state, operates an outfit called the Good Info Foundation, that is paying influencers big money to lie to Americans. Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, Stengel boasted of the alleged benefits of using propaganda against Americans. People like Obama regulatory "czar" Cass Sunstein, meanwhile, have advocated the use of "nudging" to shift people's views and behavior. British authorities have been doing it for a long time. Working with the UN, John Podesta--a key operative with the Clinton family and Obama--also spoke of the need to change people's mindsets.

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