The Weekly Energy Foresight for September 26-October 02, 2022

2 years ago

National Suicide Prevention Hotline
988 - call - online chat

September 26-October 02, 2022

Three Of Swords

There will always be those times when life gives you lemons even after such wonderful weeks - it happens.

And if you just feel like shedding tears instead of trying to make that lemonade to use all those lemons, that is truly ok!

If you are feeling a sense of loss, separation, heartbreak, grief, or sorrow know you are not alone! We all go through these feelings though not always in the same way.

Talk with someone you trust and share how you are feeling. Keeping it bottled up only allows the pressure to build and grow to unhealthy proportions to a point you feel like you’re going to pop!

Be your best friend and offer yourself lots of self-love and self-care this week. Lean into the last few weeks, or happier times if you need to. And just remember, you are so loved, dear heart, better days are coming!

Mid-Week ~ 26-29
Positive Energy

End-Week ~ 29-02
Make A Decision

26 -National Shamu The Whale Day
-National Family Day
-Situational Awareness Day
-National Dumpling Day
-National Pancake Day
-National Johnny Appleseed Day
-International Day For The Total Elimination Of Nuclear Weapons Day
-🌒 Waxing Moon
-Rosh Hashanah
27 -National Day Of Forgiveness
-National Chocolate Milk Day
-National Scarf Day
-National Crush A Can Day
-World Tourism Day
-Rosh Hashana Day 2
28 - National Good Neighbor Day
-National Strawberry Cream Pie Day
-World Dense Breast Day
-World Rabies Day
-World School Milk Day
-International Day For Universal Access To Information
-Gedaliah Fast
29 -VFW Day
-Urban National Wildlife Refuge Day
-National Coffee Day
-World Maritime Day
-World Heart Day
30 -Orange Shirt Day
-National Love People Day
-National Mud Pack Day
-National Hot Mulled Cider Day
-National Chewing Gum Day
-International Translation Day
-International Podcast Day
-Celtic Tree Month Of Ivy Begins
01 -National Fire Pup Day
-National Black Dog Day
-National Hair Day
-National Homemade Cookies Day
-National Pumpkin Spice Day
-International Coffee Day
-International Day Of Older Persons
-International Raccoon Appreciation Day
-World Smile Day
02 -National Smarties Day
-National Custodial Workers Recognition Day
-National Name Your Car Day
-National GOE Day
-World Card Making Day
-International Day Of Non-Violence
-First Quarter Moon
-Mercury Goes Direct

🎶 Envato, Kevin MacLeod, iMovie Royalty Free Audio/Visuals, & Wondershare Filmora Royalty Free Audio/Visuals
Tarot Cards: Gilded Tarot
by: Ciro Marchetti & Barbara Moore
Oracle Cards: Magical Mermaids & Dolphins
by: Hay House

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