Tinkerbell and the Spirit of the West | Lubica Keighery

2 years ago

Lubica was born and raised in the former Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic. She immigrated to Canada 20 years ago as a young adult in search of a place that would offer prosperity and hope in the future.

In this speech, she shares her first hand experience living in a top down, centralized system she describes as "monolithic" and discusses potential dangers such systems pose.

In her observations, such systems, because one of their core features is elimination of opposition, deprive themselves of early feedback and as a result gather too many errors. This leads them to hollow out and eventually bring on their collapse.

This is in contrast to "modular" systems that she considers more sustainable, as they give themselves a chance to evolve and have a better ability to heal and counter errors. Entrepreneurial (bottom up) capitalism could be considered one of those systems.

These systems thrive on diversity and allow new ideas to flourish. This is only possible in an environment where free speech is fully allowed, no matter how silly or uncomfortable some ideas might feel.

As she puts it, "It is important to have all ideas on the table, as we simply never know what can spark the next inspiration, and inspiration leads to innovation and innovation leads to progress, which leads to prosperity".

This speech was given at the Capitalism & Morality seminar in Vancouver, Canada, on Sunday, 20 August 2022. https://jayantbhandari.com/capitalism-morality-2022/

Lubica Keighery

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