BMI will ruin your GREEK GOD PHYSIQUE - Here's Why

2 years ago

I compare and react to Justin Bieber, Gerard Butler (300), Brad Pitt (Troy) vs a Greek God Physique standard. BMI will ruin a Greek God like Physique!

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1. Why is BMI (Body Mass Index) method a complete failure for anyone who prefers a strong athletic body.
2. Gerard Butler, never looked as fit as in epic movie 300, guess what, his BMI also ranked him as overweight pre-obese!
3. Brad Pitt got into a form of his lifetime when he played a role of Achilles for the movie TROY …but guess what, his body mass index ranked him as overweight pre-obese!
4. How much muscle would Justin Bieber need to gain, to look like Brad Pitt for his role of Achilles in the movie TROY?
5. YES, it's possible to calculate your Aesthetic Physique Score in percentage, like on a scale from 0 to 100? I will show you how to do it for yourself.

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You are watching my second video in the series, while information like the three different levels of lifestyle needed, if you want a realistic shot at Greek God Physique, is found in the first video (link below).

PART 1 - full length:

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------------- CHAPTERS ---------------

00:00 Intro
01:00 Greek God Ideal defined
01:23 Superfit Index Method introduction

02:58 Justin Bieber (2014) vs Greek God Body
04:19 Justin Bieber (2014) vs model Lara Stone
04:42 Justin Bieber (2022) vs Greek God Body

05:39 Gerard Butler (300) vs Greek God Body
07:50 Brad Pitt (Troy) vs Greek God Body

09:33 Jean-Claude van Damme vs Greek God Body
12:29 Linford Christie vs Greek God Body
15:01 Justin Bieber (2022) vs Brad Pitt (Troy)

15:43 Superfit Index Method showcase
18:55 What comes next?

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#greekgod #idealbody #physique #marckgoran #superfitindex

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