ep. 54. Proper nutrition is hijacked. We're sold bad health and early death by the globalist.

2 years ago

If you serve a starving person dog shit on a paper dish, after a while that will be what is craved and expected. Do you really believe the elite globalist eat what we do? They have their own organic farms and products that allow them to live as long as David Rockefeller, George Soros and Henry Kissinger.
Don't be that person who lives to eat. Try eating to live. Over eating will inundate your system with poison that is intentionally manufactured into the food we eat and it burns out your body's capacity to handle and process the toxins. Eating certain garbage foods sets up bad bacteria in your gut to signal your brain to keep the garbage coming. That garbage food (processed foods) cause leaky gut which adversely affects your brain and how you think. It also causes chronic bloating and chronic inflammation which will cause CANCER. Again, it's all part of the NWO depopulation agenda. Remember who you are friends. STOP allowing the WEF and the global elite to kill you off early after they steal your life's energy.

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