The Pool Of Life

2 years ago

The song is written and performed by Robert Stevens and Naomi Stevens.
Copyright R. Stevens 2021

The title (as you can see above) is The Pool Of Life and is about my hometown of Liverpool.
This track has no video as yet, but rather the lyrics are displayed for those interested. As the lyrics are on the screen, I shalln't be writing them here in the description.
The song can also be viewed on the blog. Use the link below.
I uploaded it to the website first, where it has been for a few days. Follow the blog if you would like to see some of the videos or listen to the tracks first before they appear on Youtube.

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The video can also be found on my website on the music page.
You can also follow me/us on the blog where you can also find the lyrics to the track and some more background info:


The song contains the line-

"Carl Gustav Jung said it right, that Liverpool's the pool of life"

The psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who had never visited the city, had a dream. He recalls the dream in the book Memories, dreams, reflections. In the dream he visits a city, dark and dismal and run down, but in the middle of the city is a pool with an island at its centre. On the island is a magnolia tree.

He comments:
The dream represented my situation at the time. I can still see the grayish-yellow raincoats, glistening with the wetness of the rain. Everything was extremely unpleasant, black and opaque – just as I felt then. But I had a vision of unearthly beauty, and that is why I was able to live at all. Liverpool is the “pool of life.” The “liver,” according to an old view, is the seat of life, that which makes to live.”

When I were a lad there was a nice bust of Carl Gustav Jung leaning out of the wall outside Flannagan's Apple (an Irish pub in the city centre). I was always fascinated by this. I had no idea who it was. Underneath was a plaque with "Liverpool is the pool of life" on it. The bust has been replaced now by an awful, cheap and shabby version due to scum wrecking it (surprise, surprise). I think the original is in the museum or somewhere.

Anyway, much later I read Memories, dreams, reflections, which I can recommend, and there was the dream recalled by Jung.

No idea when it will be up on Youtube, but , as I said, I will just do a lyric video first I think and then when we get over again we will do a video showing the landmarks as mentioned in the song.

Enjoy The Pool Of Life.

Have a great rest of the week.

Love Rob and Naomi

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