Biden Cyborg Used by White House According To Reports - Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas

2 years ago

Biden Cyborg Used by White House According To Reports - Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas. How Is It That You Find This Difficult To Accept?

I’m not sure that “Cyborg” is the right term for what Joe is. A Cyborg is a biological human that’s been integrated with machine parts. Theoretically, anyone who’s been jabbed has had nano-tech installed inside them, turning them into a type of Zombie Cyborg and not even classifiable as human anymore according to the legal system….allegedly.

But that thing is not even a tiny bit human. It’s a total synthetic Robotoid that’s under the remote control of some Globalist shill bag. Tamara had coined him “Manchurian Joe“, but “Robotoid Joe” seems to be a more appropriate designation.

How is it that you find this difficult to accept?

Read the full article HERE:

Also: The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI:

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