Kimberly Huesing – Surveying School Administration

2 years ago

Kimberly Huesing is the Director of Elementary Education with the Carlsbad Unified School District. Her decades long experience informs this episode of the Break It Down Show.

Kimberly joins the show to illustrate for us the challenges and realities of administrating a school district. Someone in Mrs Huesing's role must manage: federal and state governmental requirements, training, educating, disciplining, innovating, graduating, pandemics...the list is long.

Ever present are news stories focused on the state of education. These stories typically offer salacious headlines and affective copy. It's easy to point fingers and decide with little actual knowledge the state of K-12 education. We can do better than that...we can go to a professional source and have a rational conversation.

This is the 2nd in a series of episodes looking at the state of education.

Pete A Turner hosted a chat with Hugo Schwyzer (episode link seeking to understand the position of a parent, in a large school district who experiences disunity with the professionals charged with his daughter's education.

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