KIMBLADE: Space 4.0 | High-Performance Non-Disposable Wiper

2 years ago

KIMBLADE: Space 4.0 | High-Performance Non-Disposable Wiper

Just $69. | Nano-Tech Windshield Care Set + 4 bar linkage Rectangular Wiper | 4th Gen. Secret Edge | Space Edition Colors

Go to your garage now and check the wiper blades on your car. No matter the design of your wipers, the wiper blades are all the same inverted triangle shape, and the vast majority of wiper blades are pressed against the windshield. As the tip of the blades is pressed against the windshield, an inverted triangular wiper will deform and corrode while the wiper is not in use. Then, we have to replace our wipers after using them just a few times.

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