$1 Artificial Voice Box Invented by Dr. Rao is making Voice-less to Speak Again

2 years ago

Dear friends,

This video seeks your help in spreading the news that a doctor has invented a machine that makes people to speak again.
Money is not required.
There are many people whose voice box is removed due to cancer.
This voice box casts just $1only. where as others available in the market cost $200 to 400.
I have given complete details and links of the voice-box and the doctor. Please tell all your friends and request the to do likewise.
Someone will stary apeaking again.

Being a voiceless person yourself or seeing someone unable to speak is painful enough but to stand and help him to speak again is a Godly act.
For spreading this act, your total support is needed. Money is not required.
I have given contact details of the doctor to know more...
A doctor has invented a voice box and kept the price at $1 to make voice-less to speak again without worrying about arranging big money. I have deliberately kept the video mute to draw your attention towards the plight of those who have their speaking organ removed due to cancer or any other reason. You can help deliver the message globally that by spending just one-dollar invention, they can speak again. The voice box is named AUM. It weighs just 25 grams. It is fitted in the throat.
You can spread the video among all your friends, who may be requested to do likewise. Just a click of the share button and so many voice-less people will know they can start speaking again.
Please do your best and become a God-sent messenger.


#$1 Artificial Voice Box Invented by Dr Vishal Rao is Making Voice-less to Speak Again,

#$1 Artificial Voice Box is Making Voice-less to Speak Again,

#An Indian Doctor is Making Voice-less to Speak Again with his $1Voice Machine,

$1 device gives speaking power back to voice box removed patients,

Can a person whose Voice box has been removed speak again?,

$1 Voice Box is Making Voice-less to Speak Again,

$1 Voice Box is helping Voice-less persons to Speak Again,

$1 voice box named Aum,

Where can I buy voice box,

$1 Aum artificial Voice box,

How can a voiceless person speak again

How voice box works,

Dr. Vishal rao Voice prosthesis,

Vishal Rao (@drvishalrao) / Twitter
BS Digital,

Binay Srivastava videos

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If this story motivates you into helping those unfortunate people whose speaking organ has been surgically removed for medical reasons to become able to speak again, please take fruitful action by sharing this video with everyone you know.

(Sharing a video is 800% more effective in delivering its message)

Forward this video to your friend who might be knowing someone who needs speaking power back again.
It costs just $1 to get the speaking machine. You will earn lifelong gratitude of the person being helped.

It is a selfless service for the humankind.

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