Earn money from share links

2 years ago

You heard it right. It is an easy way to fill your pockets.

Since the onset of the internet era, URLs play a major role in sharing web pages with peers.

Moreover, in the ever-evolving internet age, sites like Twitter and other major social websites demand tiny URLs. To show up the walls in a more beautiful and user-friendly way.

Therefore, taking this as an advantage, URL shortener services started popping up to make more money.

Sounds to be great business prospects. And probably you too are thinking of jumping in.

I can sense it, you know.

Furthermore, URL shortening websites enable you to earn money when you utilize them to shorten any long URLs.

I mean, keeping it short and sweet.

One good thing about URL shortener is that you need not own a blog or a website to execute your work.

Also, sharing or posting interesting URLs, using a URL shortener, on social media platforms, blogs, and community websites is the best way to make money online.

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